Monday, September 10, 2012


So last night David and I were laying in bed and Grey started to kick. Today was the first day that I could tell it was actually him kicking instead of just feeling the flutter. So I really didnt know if David would be able to feel it but I offered anyways. And after just a minute or two grey started stretching and kicking. like he was tap dancing lol. And David got to feel it too! So happy he got to feel his gorgeous baby!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Joys

We are so excited about our little growing miracle in my belly. I love getting the updates each week letting me know what is happening in there for our little jelly bean. Like when it said jelly bean had grown fingernails, as tiny as the baby is can you imagine how tiny those little nails are?! Creating a baby is the most humbling experience. I am so blessed to have a husband who loves and supports me. He is there for his family emotionally, spiritually and temporally. I know many people only get to have the one ultra sound but in the military they do them a lot. It was funny the last one I had the baby was folded in half. The feet were at its forehead! lol silly baby. The ultrasound lady was not amused and even seemed upset and in a worse mood than usual but I was just saying "look at those cute feet and oh the little toes" lol. Happiest moment of my pregnancy so far have been getting to see my baby and not just in still shots but I see it move and kick and do flips. I love my little jelly bean.

**on a related note: at that ultrasound we found out what we are having! so stay tuned we will do the big reveal shortly!**